Feds Bust 2 Hackers for Stealing Emails from AT&T’s iPad Data Base; Some Famous Names Included

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com With the most modern of technology comes the most modern of crimes. Two men — one from Arkansas and another from California — were arrested Tuesday and charged in Newark, N.J.  with hacking into the AT&T’s servers and stealing emails and personal info of about 120,000 Apple iPad users including such…

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FBI Going Online to Catch Bank Robbers

It’s good to see  the Internet being used to crack crimes.  We’ve seen it used too often to commit crimes.   BY ADAM WALLWORTH ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE FBI agents are going online to catch bank robbers. In the past six months, four bank robberies have been solved with the assistance of www.bandittrackerarkansas.com, said Steven Burroughs, supervisory special agent…

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