Senators Taking Applications to Replace Pitts. U.S. Atty Mary Beth Buchanan

Sen. Dick Durbin/official photo By Allan Lengel Things aren’t looking so good for Bush loyalist Mary Beth Buchanan, who has expressed interest in remaining the U.S. Attorney in Pittsburgh. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review is reporting that Pennsylvania Democratic Sens. Bob Casey and Arlen Specter are taking the applications for the Pittsburgh job as well as…

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Senate Judiciary Gives the Nod to Dawn Johnsen for DOJ Office of Legal Counsel

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON –If you’re looking for any inkling of bipartisanship in Washington, don’t count on  the Senate Judiciary Committee. The committee voted 11-7  Thursday to confirm the nomination of  Dawn E. Johnsen as Office of Legal Counsel for the Justice Department. All the Republicans voted against her except for Sen. Arlen Specter…

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