AG Holder: ATF’s Use of People with Mental Disabilities in Stings ‘Is Crazy’

Steve Neavling U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder lashed out at the ATF’s use and treatment of people with mental disabilities in undercover stings, saying he is “greatly troubled” by the information, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. “The notion that you would use mentally unstable people, you would tattoo them, that you would do ridiculous…

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ATF Agents Accused of Impersonating Landlord to Turn On Electricity in Storefront Stings

Steve Neavling Undercover ATF agents renting a storefront had their energy shut off by the landlord because they exceeded their monthly allotment. The agents responded by getting the landlord’s account information and calling the electricity company pretending to be him, an internal investigation revealed, the Wall Street Journal reports. “Account statements were improperly taken…

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US Attorney B. Todd Jones

Congress Slams ATF Director Over Blundered Undercover Storefront Operations

Steve Neavling ATF Director B. Todd Jones’ first appearance before Congress wasn’t a pleasant one. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that congressional members from both sides slammed Jones over the agency’s blunders in undercover storefront operations. Some of the problems included using people with mental disabilities to promote undercover operations. Jones defended the agency,…

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Federal Government Allows ATF Official to Collect Two Salaries While on Leave

Steve Neavling A key figure in the Fast & Furious gun-running operation was permitted to collect two salaries while on leave from his federal government job, the Washington Times reports. The Justice Department’s inspector general created the report after finding that three of William McMahon’s superiors with the ATF “exercised poor judgment” by allowing…

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Special Report: Lenient Prison Sentences and Weak Laws Frustrate ATF’s Battle Against Gun Trafficking

By Jeffrey Anderson For WASHINGTON — Nutveena Sirirojnananont is staring at a possible 20 years in prison and a $1 million fine for ordering eight guns online that she directed to a federally-licensed firearms dealer in New Hampshire, but she’s all but guaranteed a fraction of that. The Newmarket, NH, woman pleaded guilty in…

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Congressman Issa Says ATF ‘Dangerously Mismanaged’ Program Designed to Rid Street of Guns

Steve Neavling Saying the ATF “dangerously mismanaged” a program aimed at gunning guns off the street, Rep. Darrell Issa is subpoenaing the agency for more information. Issa chairs the House Oversight and Government reform Committee, which is investigating the ATF’s blundered storefront operations. Issa criticized the ATF for showing a “complete lack of cooperation.”…

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