Controversial ATF Agent Vince Cefalu Calls ATF Leadership “A Joke That is Not Funny”

By Allan Lengel As acting director B. Todd Jones faces questioning this week from the Senate Judiciary Committee on his nomination for director, veteran ATF agent Vince Cefalu is weighing in. Cefalu, who has been described as a whistleblower, and is embroiled in multiple controversial legal actions against ATF, says that the current leadership…

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US Attorney B. Todd Jones

ATF’s B. Todd Jones Faces Tough Questions Tuesday from Senate Judiciary Committee about

Steve Neavling Minnesota U.S. Attorney B. Todd Jones’s nomination to head the ATF has become mired in congressional politics, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. Nearly six months after he was mentioned as a candidate, Jones is expected to face tough questions from Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee. “I am looking forward to meeting…

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ATF Agents in Milwaukee Face Disciplinary Action Over Handling of Storefront Operation in Milwaukee

Steve Neavling Some ATF agents involved with a botched gun-buying storefront operation in Milwaukee face disciplinary action, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. The investigation was so bungled that agents last year had their guns stolen and their storefront pillaged. The Journal Sentinel discovered through a letter sent to Congress that the Justice Department is…

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