Senate Confirmation Hearings Begin Today for Loretta Lynch for Attorney General

By Allan Lengel Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch faces questions Wednesday as Senate confirmation hearings begin for her nomination for Attorney General. It will be the first Republican-lead confirmation session of the Obama administration, the NBC affiliate in New York points out. Lynch, who is considered a very able U.S. Attorney, has gotten praise…

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FBI Finishes Investigation of Ferguson Police Shooting That Killed Unarmed Michael Brown

By Steve Neavling  The FBI has wrapped up its long-anticipated investigation into the police shooting of unarmed Michael Brown in Ferguson, a U.S. official told the Associated Press. It’s not yet clear whether the Justice Department will pursue a federal civil rights case against former Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson. But legal experts and…

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AG Eric Holder Expands Protections for Media, Sets New Standards

By Steve Neavling  Prosecutors will have a more difficult time receiving subpoenas or search warrants for reporters under new protections for journalists announced Wednesday by Attorney General Eric Holder.  McClatchy reports that prosecutors will be required to meet with the department’s Policy and Statutory Enforcement Unit before seeking court permission to take actions against…

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Obama Administration to Ban Racial Profiling Among Federal Law Enforcement

By Steve Neavling  In an effort to curb racial profiling, the Obama administration plans today to announce new rules for federal law enforcement, the Washington Post reports. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. wants to prevent federal officials from using gender, race, national origin, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity to open cases. The plan…

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Justice Department Issues Scathing Report of Cleveland Police Department’s Abusive Practices

By Steve Neavling  A federal examination of the practices and procedures by the Cleveland Police Department prompted the Justice Department to deliver a scatting review of the department with a mandate for sweeping changes, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports. Attorney General Eric Holder based the findings on a civil rights investigation that involved nearly…

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Attorney General Holder Says Ferguson Police Department Needs ‘Wholesale Change’

By Steve Neavling Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. called for “wholesale change” in the Ferguson Police Department, the Associated Press reports.  Holder sad in a question-and-answer session with a newspaper at the Washington Ideas Forum that serious changes are needed. “I think it’s pretty clear that the need for wholesale change in that…

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