Dept. Justice to Add 15 Fed Prosecutor Positions and 20 FBI Agents to Battle Intellectual Crimes

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — As part of its ongoing battle against intellectual property crimes domestically and internationally, the Justice Department on Monday announced the appointment of 15 new assistant U.S. Attorneys and 20 FBI agents to address the problem that includes theft of trademarks, copyrights and industrial secrets. The Justice Department said the…

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Obama Administration Ready to Name James Cole as New Dep. Atty. General

By Allan Lengel The Obama administration, which still has more vacant positions to fill than a department store chain before Christmas, is apparently getting ready to name a new deputy attorney general. The investigative news website ProPublica reports that the administration is ready to nominate white collar defense attorney James A. Cole, 57 a…

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Atty. Gen. Holder Vows Admin. Will Use Both Civilian and Military Courts to Fight Terrorism

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr. told the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday morning that the administration planned to use both civilian and military commissions to fight terrorism. In a prepared statement, he said: “Let me be clear: this Administration will use every tool available to fight terrorism. That includes both…

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Atty. Gen. Hones Political Ear

Eric Holder is struggling with a typical dilemma in Washington: He’s a nice guy and he’s trying to stay a nice, decent guy while dealing with all the politics. The Obama administration wants to have an independent Justice Department, unlike the one run by Alberto Gonzales. But the administration doesn’t want to put up a…

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