Border Patrol Agents Imprisoned for Killing Unarmed Drug Smuggler Make Controversial Endorsements

Steve Neavling Most politicians don’t boast about endorsements from felons. That’s not the case for Rep. Ralph Hall, R-Texas, who featured in a commercial the endorsements of two former Border Patrol agents who were sent to prison for killing an unarmed drug smuggler, the Dallas Morning News reports. Conservatives have largely opposed the prosecution…

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Arizona Republic Editorial: Border Patrol Has Reckless Accountability That Should Worry Everyone

By The Arizona Republic Editorial  The Border Patrol’s opaque approach to law enforcement and its reckless lack of accountability does not just affect undocumented border crossers. It’s your problem, too. The latest example of how bad things are comes from the American Immigration Council, which examined 809 complaints of abuse filed against the Border Patrol….

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