American Citizen Accused of Pot Possession Dies in Border Patrol Custody

Steve Neavling An American citizen arrested on allegations of possessing marijuana died in the custody of the Border Patrol, the Los Angeles Times reports. Authorities said the man “became incoherent and unresponsive”while in a holding cell on Christmas Day at the agency’s Campo Station in San Diego County. The Homeland Security’s Office of Investigator…

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Arizona Republic Editorial: Don’t think Border Patrol Impacts You? Arizona Republic Spells Out Reasons To Care

    By Editorial Board  The Arizona Republic You might shrug off concerns about how the Border Patrol operates. After all, it’s just the border. Migrants. Smugglers. Lawbreakers. It’s not about you and me. Well, yes it is. We hold police to high standards to protect everyone’s civil rights. Exempting the nation’s largest police force…

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