$600,000 Houses for Border Patrol Agents Comes Under Investigation by Homeland Security

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  Opening an investigation into the costly price tag for housing for Border Patrol agents in Arizona, the Homeland Security Department has sent inspectors to the former mining town, the Arizona Republic reports. The $15 million housing project caused an uproar among residents, who say the federal government spent far too much money…

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American Citizen Accused of Pot Possession Dies in Border Patrol Custody

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com An American citizen arrested on allegations of possessing marijuana died in the custody of the Border Patrol, the Los Angeles Times reports. Authorities said the man “became incoherent and unresponsive”while in a holding cell on Christmas Day at the agency’s Campo Station in San Diego County. The Homeland Security’s Office of Investigator…

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