Ex-Border Patrol Officers Accused U.S. Politicians of Protecting Mexican Drug Cartels

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Former Border Patrol officers accused some U.S. politicians of protecting Mexican drug cartels with lenient immigration laws and sanctuary cities, Newsmax.com reports. “We must never lose sight of the fact that the United States is the market place for the bulk of transnational criminal businesses engaged in human trafficking and the smuggling,…

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Border Patrol Agent Sentenced to 78 Months in Prison for Possessing Child Porn

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  A former Border Patrol agent from Mississippi was sentenced to 78 months in prison for possessing child porn on his government-issued computer, GulfLive reports. James E. Ward also will receive eight years of supervised release and a $7,000 fine. “The defendant in this case contributed to the abuse and sexual exploitation of…

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Environmentalists Concerned About Growth of Border Patrol

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Add environmentalists to the groups of people opposing the growth of the Border Patrol. The inundation of 20,000 agents could irrevocably damage the Southern Arizona’s deserts and wildlife, according to the Siera Club Borderlands, which has a Tucson office. Border Patrol is not subject to environmental laws along the international border, creating…

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National Border Patrol Council: ‘Political Goals Took Precedence Over Actual Reforms’

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  The union representing Border Patrol agents expressed “serious concerns” about the new Senate bill because of its handling of security along the U.S.-Mexico border, the Washington Times reports. The National Border Patrol Council is most concerned with the inundation of 20,000 additional agents to protect the border – a major component of…

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Two ex-Border Patrol Agents Sentenced to At Least 30 Years for Massive Human Smuggling Ring

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  Two former Border Patrol agents were sentenced to at least 30 years in prison for operating a massive human smuggling ring, the Associated Press reports. Federal District Judge John A. Houston sentenced Raul Villarreal, the ring leader, to 35 years in prison Friday; his brother Fidel Villarreal was sentenced to 30 years…

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