Undercover FBI Agents Bust Retired Border Patrol Agent for Selling Uniforms on Craigslist

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Some times making a little extra doe on Craigslist isn’t so wise. Retired Border Patrol agent David Pietrantonio has been charged in San Diego with selling official equipment to undercover FBI agents, the Associated Press reported. He had pleaded not guilty on Wednesday. AP reports that Pietrantonio tried to sell “a…

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The Growing Problem: U.S. Border Agents For Sale

The drug trade along the Mexican border continues to show disturbing signs of corruption and death. Apparently some U.S. Border agents can be bought. That is very very dangerous. By The Associated Press McALLEN, Texas — Corruption along the U.S.-Mexican border takes many forms. It can start as simply as a smuggler’s $50 gift to…

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