Congressman Wants New FBI Director to Reveal Information about Boston Marathon Bombing Investigation

Steve Neavling With a new FBI director in place, at least one influential Congressman is pressing for more answers in the Boston Marathon bombings, the Boston Globe reports. Rep. William Keating, D-Massachusetts, wants to know about blunders in the investigation, including the failure to properly follow up Russia’s warning about one of the bombers,…

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Did Boston Marathon Bombers Have Help? FBI Investigates Accused Terrorist in Boston Area

Steve Neavling Federal investigators are trying to determine whether the Boston Marathon bombers received help from a terrorism suspect who had all the materials needed for a pressure-cooker bomb, Reuters reports. The Boston-area man, Daniel Morley, is accused of trying to blow up an airplane and having bomb-making equipment at his home on June…

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House Committee Grows Impatient with FBI, Justice Department’s Handling of Boston Bombing Case

Steve Neavling  If the U.S. wants to stop an attack similar to the Boston Marathon bombing, the Justice Department and FBI must do a better job sharing information with local law enforcement, officials told lawmakers Wednesday, The Hill reports. “We can no longer deal with this by not sharing information. We’re going to miss…

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