Gov. Chris Christie/state photo

Ex-U.S. Attorney Chris Christie Routinely Exceeded Hotel Costs at Taxpayer Expense, IG Report Finds

By Allan Lengel As a U.S. Attorney in New Jersey who crusaded against corruption, Chris Christie — now the New Jersey governor —  routinely stayed in expensive hotels at taxpayer expense, far exceeding the government allowance, according to a Justice Department Inspector General report released Monday. The report, which looked at the travel of…

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Mass. Native Richard DesLauriers To Head Boston FBI

By Allan Lengel Massachusetts native Richard DesLauriers, who has served as deputy assistant director of Counterintelligence at FBI headquarters, has been tapped to head the agency’s Boston office.  He replaces Warren T. Bamford, who recently retired from the agency. DesLauriers entered the FBI in 1987 and was first assigned to the Birmingham, Ala. office…

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