Ooops!! Feds Screws Up; Didn’t Have Court Stenographer in Brooklyn Courtroom During Verdict of Convicted al Qaeda Terrorist

By Allan Lengel A source tells The New York Daily News: “I have never heard anything like this happening before — ever.” John Marzulli of the Daily News writes that the court may have to be a do-over of the verdict in the federal Brooklyn trial of convicted Al Qaeda terrorist Abid Naseer. Apparently…

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Senate Confirmation Hearings Begin Today for Loretta Lynch for Attorney General

By Allan Lengel Brooklyn U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch faces questions Wednesday as Senate confirmation hearings begin for her nomination for Attorney General. It will be the first Republican-lead confirmation session of the Obama administration, the NBC affiliate in New York points out. Lynch, who is considered a very able U.S. Attorney, has gotten praise…

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Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association Endorses Loretta Lynch for U.S. Attorney

By Allan Lengel The Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA) announced Thursday its support for Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch. Lynch is currently the U.S. Attorney for Brooklyn. The Association, in a statement said:  Today, the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA) announced its support for Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch. FLEOA stands behind her proven…

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Could Loretta Lynch Become First Black Woman to Become Attorney General? She’s a Top Candidate

By Steve Neavling The leading candidate to replace Attorney General Eric Holder appears to be Loretta Lynch, the head prosecutor in Brooklyn, people familiar with the matter told Reuters. The news comes after another top candidate withdrew her name. Others being considered are General Donald Verrilli and Labor Secretary Thomas Perez, according to the…

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