Few Border Patrol Agents Are Ever Disciplined for Using Deadly Or Questionable Force

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  Border Patrol agents rarely face repercussions for using deadly force, even when the shootings are questionable, the Arizona Republic reports. At least 42 people, including 13 Americans, have been killed by on-duty Border Patrol agents and CBP officers since 2005. The deaths range from justifiable to highly questionable, the Republic wrote. Although…

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Border Patrol May Ignore Recommendation to Stop Shooting Rock-Throwers

Steve Neavling tickleticklethewire.com Despite a government-commissioned review recommending an end to the practice of shooting rock-throwers, Border Patrol agents may continue anyway, the Associated Press reports. CBP responded that the recommendation was “very restrictive.” The review came from the Police Executive Research Forum, a nonprofit that advises law enforcement agencies, the AP wrote. Border Patrol…

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