Former Border Patrol Agent Sentenced to More than 3 Years in Prison for Corruption, Child Porn

Steve Neavling  A former Border Patrol agent was sentenced Monday to more than three years in prison on charges of stealing government property and possessing child pornography, San Diego 6 News reports. Rodolfo Zuniga, 34, was assigned to the Border Patrol’s Imperial Beach, Calif., station between November 2009 and March 2010 when feds say…

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ICE on the Hunt for ‘Jane Doe’ Child Pornographer Who Was Video Recorded Having Sex with a Child

Steve Neavling When it comes to child pornography, the suspects are almost always men. But ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations special agents are  searching for a woman who produced a child pornography video that depicts her engaging in explicit sex with a 4-to-5-year-old victim, the Daily Mail reports. The woman is believed to be between…

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Ex-Florida ICE Chief Anthony Mangione Pleads Guilty in Child Porn Case

  Steve Neavling A former top U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement official accused of looking at images of minors having sex  pleaded guilty Friday to federal pornography charges, The Associated Press reports. A 27-year veteran of ICE, Anthony Mangione, 51, ran the agency’s South Florida operations from 2007 to 2011 and helped investigate child…

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