Michael Vickers

Pentagon: A Top Candidate for Next CIA Director, Michael Vickers, Disclosed Classified Information

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Michael Vickers, among the possible candidates for the next CIA director, leaked classified information about the hunt for Osama bin Laden to filmmakers of an acclaimed movie, Pentagon investigators have concluded, McClatchy Newspapers reports. The Justice Department, however, has declined to pursue criminal prosecution since receiving the…

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Ex-FBI Agent Sentenced to Probation for Passing on Information about Undercover Investigation

Steve Neavling ticklthewire.com A former FBI agent who passed on confidential information to a friend about an ongoing federal investigation in New Jersey was sentenced Tuesday to four years of probation, the Washington Post reports. Ivan Stanchev, 43, delivered information about a criminal probe in Newark to a friend who apparently was curious about an…

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