Could Deep Budget Cuts Spell Doom for Agencies Like FBI and DEA?

By Allan Lengel Could big Congressional budget cuts spell doom for agencies like the FBI and DEA? Conservative Republicans on Thursday demanded dramatic cuts, the Washington Post reported. Specifically, members of the conservative Republican Study Committee said the GOP needs to keep a campaign pledge and immediately cut at least $100 billion from non-defense…

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Column: Ex-FBI Official Says Naming Next FBI Director a Rare Opportunity for a Nonpartisan Appointment

By Kathleen McChesney, Ph.D. FBI Executive Assistant Director (ret.) As Robert S. Mueller III completes the final year of his ten-year term as the Director of the FBI, President Barack Obama and the United States Senate will have the critically important responsibility of nominating and confirming his successor. This selection process should be devoid of…

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IG Says FBI Misled Public and Congress About Surveilling Anti-War Rally in 2002

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — The FBI including the director gave inaccurate and misleading statements to Congress and the public about reasons why an agent conducted surveillance at an anti-war rally in 2002 at the Thomas Merton Center in Pittsburgh, according a report by the Justice Department’s Inspector General. The report concluded that the…

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4 Ex-U.S. Attys. Win Republican Primary Bids; Fifth Gets Trounced

By Allan Lengel Four ex-U.S. Attorney’s won Republican primary bids Tuesday for public office. But perhaps in the most interesting race,  a  fifth ex-U.S. Attorney, Republican Mary Beth Buchanan —  a controversial figure during her reign as the top Pittsburgh prosecutor — got trounced in a contentious battle for the 4th Congressional District seat….

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County Dem Chairman Wants Pittsburgh U.S. Atty. Mary Beth Buchanan to Resign

Bush Holdover U.S. Atty. Mary Beth Buchanan By Allan Lengel U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan of Pittsburgh continues to stir up controversy in her waning moments in office. Allegheny County Democratic Party Chairman Jim Burn wants Buchanan to resign after reports surfaced that she is considering a bid for Congress, the Associated Press reports….

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