Two Chicago Cops Busted in FBI Sting

By Allan Lengel Two Chicago cops find themselves on the wrong side of the law. The feds in Chicago on Monday announced that they had charged Sgt. Ronald Watts and officer Kallatt Mohammed with stealing $5,200 from someone they thought was transporting money for drug dealers, but who was actually an informant working for…

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NYPD Spied on Mosques and Innocent People

By Allan Lengel The Associated Press has obtained confidential documents that show the New York cops collected intelligence on more than 250 mosques and Muslim student groups in and around New York. AP reported that the department used undercover officers and informants to canvas the Islamic population of New York. AP wrote that the…

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Justice Dept. Threatens to Withhold Funds From Police Depts. That Don’t Require Body Armor

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — No body armor, no cash. That’s what the Justice Department is saying. USA Today reports that the Justice Department is threatening to withhold millions of federal dollars from  local police departments that don’t require uniformed officers to wear body armor. The threats come in wake of a spike in…

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