With Fed Indictments & Justice Dept. Intervention: Scandal-Plagued New Orleans Police Dept. at Crossroads

By Allan Lengel For AOL News In New Orleans, a town known for its jambalaya, jazz and hospitality, it hasn’t been difficult over the years to find folks willing to serve up some harsh words about their often-maligned and scandal-plagued police department. That may change — even with the latest federal indictments for the shootings…

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Feds Indict Ex-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick on 19 Counts

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com It was anticipated for many months, and on Wednesday federal prosecutors indicted imprisoned ex-Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick on 19-criminal counts stemming from his scheme to use the nonprofit Kilpatrick Civic Fund for personal benefit and campaign expenses. The U.S. Attorney’s Office said that Kilpatrick, who is serving prison time for state…

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Stomach Turner: FBI Investigating Ex-Official of Impovervished Detroit School District For Allegedly Diverting $57 Million

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com In Detroit, where the unemployment is very very high, and the city suffers from serious deficits, comes the latest news about the ailing school district that is guaranteed to turn stomachs. The Detroit Free Press reports that the FBI is looking into a former department chief at Detroit Public Schools and…

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Ex-Cong. Jefferson’s Sister and Niece Plead Guilty in Corruption Case

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com The New Orleans political dynasty headed by disgraced ex-Congressman William Jefferson and his brother Mose Jefferson, the political operative, continues to crumble. The New Orleans Times Picayune reports that less than a month before trial, the ex-Congresman’s sister Betty Jefferson,70, a 4th District Assessor, and her daughter Angela Coleman, 53, pleaded…

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