FBI Director Comey to Explain Why FBI Believes North Korea Was Behind Sony Attack

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  Cyber-security experts have expressed skepticism about the FBI’s claims that North Korea was involved in the hacking attacks of Sony, Gizmodo reports.  After days of silence, FBI Director James Comey is expected today to present the bureau’s case that North Korea was involved during a speech at the International Conference on…

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FBI Warns That Iran Is Preparing for Potential Cyber Attack on U.S. Businesses

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  Federal investigators have an ever-evolving threat that John Edgar Hoover could never have anticipated – hacking. The FBI issued a warning to businesses recently about a sophisticated Iranian hacking operation that could soon target energy firms, defense contractors and educational institutions, Reuters reports. The operation hacked at least 50 businesses in…

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Amber Alert Website Restored After Outrage Expressed Over Shutdown

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The federal government’s Amber Alert website was restored Monday morning after people expressed outrage. The site, www.AmberAlert.gov, was temporarily taken offline because of the government shutdown. “The Amber Alert system was never interrupted, but to eliminate any confusion, the informational site maintained by the Justice Department has been restored,” Justice Department spokesman…

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