Report Says ATF Agent Predicted Death and Congressional Inquiry After ATF Launched Controversial Gun Program; Agents Worried Guns Might be Linked to Gabrielle Giffords Shooting

By Allan Lengel One ATF agent told Congressional investigators  that someone was going to die  from ATF’s controversial gun-walking program dubbed “Operation Fast and Furious”, and he predicted the program would become the subject of a Congressional inquiry. That prediction by agent Larry Alt was noted in a  51-page report released Tuesday Rep. Darrell…

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Column: Atty. Gen. Holder’s Disappointing Appearance Before the House Judiciary Committee on ATF Controversy

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Whether you agree with Atty. General Eric Holder Jr. or not, most reasonable people would conclude that he’s a pretty decent guy and a straight shooter. That being said, it makes his appearance before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday all the more disappointing. I’m referring to his exchange…

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Justice Dept. “Surprised and Disappointed” With Subpoena Issued for ATF

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — No surprise, politics is surfacing inside the beltway. The Justice Department on Friday expressed disappointment in a Congressional committee which issued a subpoena for documents from ATF on a controversial gun program,  saying it had already told the committee it planned to cooperate. “We  are therefore surprised and disappointed…

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Rep. Issa Fires Off Letter Critical of Hillary Clinton for Failing to Provide Info on Controversial ATF Gun Program

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, took sharp aim Tuesday at Secretary of State Hilary Rodham Clinton over the controversial ATF gun program dubbed Operation Fast and Furious. In a letter fired off  Tuesday to Clinton, and posted on the CBS News website,…

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