Washington Post Editorial Page Urges Confirmation of Dawn Johnsen to Head Justice Dept. Office of Legal Counsel

Washington Post Editorial Page WASHINGTON — HERE ARE some facts about Dawn E. Johnsen, President Obama’s nominee to head the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC): She is a graduate of Yale Law School, spent roughly five years as legal director of the abortion rights group now known as NARAL Pro-Choice America, worked for…

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Senate Judiciary Gives the Nod to Dawn Johnsen for DOJ Office of Legal Counsel

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON –If you’re looking for any inkling of bipartisanship in Washington, don’t count on  the Senate Judiciary Committee. The committee voted 11-7  Thursday to confirm the nomination of  Dawn E. Johnsen as Office of Legal Counsel for the Justice Department. All the Republicans voted against her except for Sen. Arlen Specter…

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Obama Pick for Office of Legal Counsel is Harsh Critic of Bush Admin. Interrogation Tactics

Obama is making some key legal appointments who are likely to reverse many substantial and controversial Bush policies. Here’s one of those people. By ERIC LICHTBLAU New York Times WASHINGTON – When Dawn Johnsen read a newly disclosed Justice Department legal opinion last April that blessed the president’s broad power to authorize rough interrogation tactics,…

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Obama to Nominate David Ogden for Dep. Atty. General

By Alland Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON – As expected, private attorney David Ogden, a former Justice Department lawyer under President Clinton, will be the nominee for Deputy Attorney General. President elect-Barack Obama made the announcement Monday morning. Obama also  announced that he planned to nominate three other people from the Clinton administration to key posts: Elena…

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