Motorola Solutions Foundation Donates $30,000 to DEA Fund To Help Families

By Allan Lengel Motorola Solutions Foundation has donated $30,000 to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Survivors Benefit Fund (DEASBF), which provides educational and line-of-duty death benefits to the families of DEA’s fallen. The Motorola foundation is a charitable arm of Motorola Solutions, Inc. “The DEASBF is very appreciative for the generous donation by the Motorola Solutions…

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DEA Concerned About Drug-Laced Cash

By Allan Lengel The DEA is concerned about dirty money. More specifically, the agency is concerned that drug-laced cash seized in narcotics busts could seriously injure—even kill—its agents, the Daily Beast reports. So, the DEA has has begun reaching out to potential industry partners about decontaminating confiscated currency, the website reports. “Some of the substances on…

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Sen. Marco Rubio Joins Others in Call for IG to Investigate DEA’s Haiti Office

By Allan Lengel Sen. Marco Rubio has joined the chorus of politicians calling for an investigation into the DEA’s Haiti office following allegations of potential whistle-blower retaliation and mishandling of personnel matters, the Miami Herald reports. “Allegations of whistle-blower retaliation and personnel issues are extremely concerning and, if true, are counterproductive to the DEA’s…

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