Former Venezuelan Supreme Court Justice “Singing His Heart Out” to DEA on Corruption in Chavez Gov.

Shoshanna Utchenik U.S. officials report a break-through in tackling drug trafficking from South America, according to the Associated Press. A former Venezuelan Supreme Court justice Eladio Aponte may be seeking permanent refuge in the U.S. for himself and his family in exchange for evidence linking Venezuelan officials to drug trafficking and corruption, and linking Venezuela…

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Senators Call for Government Study on DEA’s Role in Prescription Drug Shortage

Shoshanna Utchenik Could the DEA be doing more harm than good with its efforts to curb prescription drug abuse? Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island are asking the Government Accountability Office to study how the DEA’s crackdowns on controlled substances may be creating shortages of vital prescription meds…

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L.A. Toy Company Indicted for Laundering Drug Money

Shoshanna Utchenik  It’s all fun and games til your toy purchases may be supporting international drug cartels. An 18-month investigation of, Woody’s Toys Inc., by Homeland Security’s ICE and the DEA’s Southern California Drug Task Force yielded video of employees receiving bricks of cash in fast food chain parking lots, among other incriminating…

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