Mexican Officials Spying for America

By Danny Fenster Despite fiery rhetoric from congressional Republicans, it appears that botched gun-walking programs have not completely soured relations between Mexican and US federal law enforcement. Fox News Latino cites a Spanish-language news report that at least 80 former employees of the Mexican government are currently working for US agencies as spies. The La…

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Venezuela Drug Lord Extradited to US

By Danny Fenster   One of Venezuela’s most-wanted drug traffickers was  extradited to the United States on Thursday, reports Reuters.  Maximiliano Bonilla Orozco, also known as Valenciano, had a $5 million bounty on his head. He was captured in the city of Valencia, in central Venezuela last month. Orozco is accused of shipping tons…

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Column: Money Laundering is Not Gun Running

Anthony Macisco has over 30 years of extensive leadership and management experience for agencies in the Departments of the Treasury (USSS Executive Protective Service and US Customs-Investigations) and Homeland Security (Immigration and Customs Enforcement-Investigations), in investigations and intelligence fields, in both a covert and overt capacity. Tony is currently a partner in The Densus Group, an…

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17 Arrested in Texas Syndicate Sting

By Danny Fenster It was a busy day for authorities with the DEA and local law enforcement in San Antonio Thursday, where agents rounded up and brought to federal court 6 of 17 suspects facing murder, racketeering and drug charges, reports The suspects were members of the Texas Syndicate. The indictment claims the…

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