Identity of Informant in Viktor Bout Case Revealed; He Had a Long, Lucrative Career and Made $9 Million-Plus

By Danny Fenster After earning more than $9 million over the course of 15 years as one of the government’s highest paid informants in history, Carlos Sagastume unveiled his identity at the New York  trial of international arms dealer Viktor Bout, reports the Associated Press. Bout’s month-long trial ended in a Manhattan federal court…

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Got Drugs? DEA Wants You to Turn Them In

By Allan Lengel The ad stripped across the bottom of USA Today’s Money section on Monday read: “Got Drugs? Turn in your unused or expired medication for safe disposal Saturday, October 29th.” The ad,  an apparent play on the popular ad campaign “Got Milk?”, also appears on the top of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s…

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Feds Convict Lt. to Colombian Drug Kingpin

By Danny Fenster A top lieutenant to a Colombian drug kingpin was convicted in a Manhattan court this week of conspiring to import and distribute cocaine and heroine, according to a Justice Department press release. Jose Mosquera-Prado, 36, was a top lieutenant in Francisco Gonzalez Uribe’s international narcotics-trafficking organization, says the Justice Department, and…

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Medical Marijuana Growers Selling to Black Market, Complicating Matters

By Danny Fenster Difficulties seem to be sprouting up like weeds as local governments across the country experiment with new laws and regulations concerning medical marijuana; the drug is still illegal and listed as a controlled substance by the federal government. A top federal law enforcement official in Oregan has declared that medical growers…

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