FBI Investigating Russian Connections to Embarassing DNC Hack
Authorities said there’s growing evidence that hackers in Russia targeted the Democratic National Committee, but the FBI isn’t ready to point fingers.
Authorities said there’s growing evidence that hackers in Russia targeted the Democratic National Committee, but the FBI isn’t ready to point fingers.
A bill that would expand the FBI’s authority to use secret surveillance to obtain some Internet records was held up because of privacy concerns.
The Justice Department is backing the Democrats on a gun-control measure that would ban suspected terrorists from buying guns.
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders once called the CIA a “dangerous institution that has go to go.”
The Democrats said it’s “wholly unacceptable” that Brennan never acknowledged publicly “that this search was improper.”
The FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton now involves determining whether the former secretary of sate violated a federal statute on providing “materially false” information.
FBI Director James Comey has almost universal respect among leaders in both the Democratic and Republican parties.
By Jonathan Bernstein Bloomberg Funding for the Department of Homeland Security is about to expire, and Republicans are bickering about what to do next. It’s time for a quick course in Shutdown Showdown 101. House Republicans passed a funding bill last month loaded with veto bait — riders that would block President Barack Obama’s executive…