Prolific Retired-ATF Official Bernie La Forest Cranks Out His Third Novel

By Allan Lengel Ex-ATF official Bernie La Forest is at it again. The prolific La Forest has just knocked out his third mystery novel, “A Matter of Lex Talionis,” the story of a Lt. Andre de Avilés, who heads the Detroit Police Department’s Intel Squad. Described as a forty-somethin’, ‘balls-to-the-wall” detective known for fighting…

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A Warm Detroit Welcome: U-Haul Van with Secret Service Equipment Stolen and Later Recovered

  By Allan Lengel DETROIT — The Secret Service probably wished this little embarrassment remained a secret. Thieves made off over the weekend with a U-Haul truck parked  in downtown Detroit that contained equipment for the U.S. Secret Service, which was planning a protection detail for Vice President Joe Biden, who spoke Sunday in…

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