Feds to Begin Testing Wider Use of Drones That Could Have Widespread Ramifications

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  The Department of Homeland Security will test drones – small, unmanned flying spies – to see if they can be used for emergencies, law enforcement and border patrol, Wired.com reports. The testing grounds will be Fort Sill in Oklahoma, where drones will officials will experiment with drones for five days, according to Wired.com. The…

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U.S. Sending Drones into Mexico

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com The war against drugs is looking more and more like a war. The New York Times reports that the Obama administration has started sending drones deep into Mexico to gather intelligence on the location and activities of major drug traffickers. The Times reports that the Pentagon began flying the unarmed drones…

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