Edward Snowden

NSA Leaker Edward Snowden Gets Visit from Father in Russia
Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Since Edward Snowden fled his home in Hawaii several months ago after leaking sensitive NSA information, he has lived a rather solitary life. Now he’s getting a visit from his father, Lon Snowden, of Pennsylvania, the New York Times reports. Lon Snowden arrived Thursday morning at Sheremetyevo Airport in Russia, where his…

Justice Department Watchdogs Did Nothing to Investigate Complaints about NSA Surveillance
Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com When federal judges repeatedly complained about the government misleading them about NSA’s secret domestic surveillance, the Justice Department never sprang into action, the USA Today reports. According to the USA Today, newly released records show the Justice Department’s internal ethics watchdog never investigated allegations of the NSA having surveillance on Americans’ phone…

Snowden Documents: NSA Has Undermined Encryption That Protects Online Privacy
Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The NSA has surreptitiously succeeded in unscrambling encryption that protects people’s privacy online, the New York Times reports. It’s the latest discovery from documents leaked by NSA contractor Edward Snowden. According to the Times, the NSA has been able to undermine coding to access information ranging from personal e-mails to medical records….

Partner of Journalist Responsible for Reporting on NSA Leaks Was Held at London Airport
Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com David Miranda, the partner of the journalist who exposed the NSA’s surveillance program through records from Edward Snowden, found himself detained at a London airport for nine hours, The New York Daily News reports. Miranda lives in Brazil with journalist Glenn Greewald, whose reports on NSA surveillance has stirred controversy around the…

FBI Asked Father of NSA leaker Edward Snowden to Meet Son in Russia
Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The FBI has urged the father of NSA leaker Edward Snowden to visit his son in Moscow, BBC reports. But Lon Snowden said he’s not going anywhere until the FBI divulges its intentions. Speaking to Russian state TV, Snowden said he’s worried his son won’t get a fair trial in the U.S….
Reporter Says Snowden Can Prove NSA Makes it Easy for Even Low Level Employees to Spy on Americans
Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com U.S. officials have said NSA leaker Edward Snowden was exaggerating when he indicated it was easy for even a low-level defense contractor to wiretap someone. Glenn Greenwald, the reporter who broke the story, told George Stephanopoulos on ABC News on Sunday that abusing the surveillance would be easy because of the lack of…

Ex-CIA Chief Compares NSA Leaker Snowden to Boston Marathon Bombers
Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Of all the ways to describe Edward Snowden, former CIA and NSA chief Michael Hayden may have come up with the most incendiary. In an interview with Financial Review, an Austrian publication, Hayden compared Snowden to the Boston Marathon bombers. “I don’t think Snowden spied for the money, and he probably did…