Microsoft Helped NSA, FBI Access Personal User Information

Steve Neavling Microsoft Corp has helped U.S. intelligence service intercept users’ communication, Reuters reports. The software company also permitted the NSA to circumvent email encryption to gain access to users. The information comes from documents released to the Guardian by NSA leaker Edward Snowden. Among the communication collected was conversations on Skype, an online…

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WikiLeaks Hints That NSA Leaker Snowden Is on Verge of Being Granted Asylum

Steve Neavling NSA leaker Edward Snowden may soon be granted asylum, and the “obvious choice” is Venezuela, WikiLeaks hinted Wednesday, the USA Today reports. If true, that would end weeks of an international stalemate that left Snowden in legal limbo at a Moscow airport. WikiLeaks, which has advocated for Snowden’s asylum, tweeted on Wednesday:…

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Privacy Rights Group Sues Federal Government Over NSA Surveillance Program

Steve Neavling A privacy rights group is suing the Obama administration over its NSA surveillance program, the USA Today reports. The Electronic Privacy Center has taken the case to the Supreme Court to argue the program is unconstitutional. In its petition to the court, the group said the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ‘exceeded its…

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Russia: NSA Leaker Snowden May Be Down to ‘Last Chance’ As Venezuela Gets Involved

Steve Neavling Venezuela appears to be NSA leaker Edward Snowden’s last hope of gaining asylum, an influential member of Parliament said, USA Today reports. Alexei Pushkov, head of the Parliament’s international affairs committee, wrote on Twitter: “Venezuela is waiting for an answer from Snowden. This, perhaps, is his last chance to receive political asylum.”…

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