FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton Focused on Emails about Secret Drone Strikes
The investigation of Hillary Clinton is reportedly centered around e-mail exchanges about CIA drone strikes.
The investigation of Hillary Clinton is reportedly centered around e-mail exchanges about CIA drone strikes.
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Give the FBI credit for being thorough. Over the years, the FBI has often moved forth slowly in big cases involving high-profile, political figures. It’s typical. After all when you go hunting for big game, you better hit the target squarely between the eyes, or pay the consequences and deal with…
FBI Director James Comey took issue with Hillary Clinton’s characterization of the investigation into her use of a private email server.
The FBI has interviewed several of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides as part of an investigation into her use of a private e-mail server.
MSNCB host Joe Scarborough, who is a former congressman, suggested Monday that the FBI may be playing politics with the Hillary Clinton investigation.
When the FBI was investigating an animal welfare group accused of sabotaging a company that tests drugs on animals in early 2003, agents hit began intercepting call and e-mails of the activists.
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Any way you put, when the FBI probe into the Hillary Clinton emails is finished, FBI Director James Comey and his agents, along with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, are bound to get a lot of grief. If Hillary walks free, the Hillary fans will say it all proves it was a…
If you think the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server is just a right-wing creation, consider this: 147 agents are investigating the case.