Ooops!! Feds Screws Up; Didn’t Have Court Stenographer in Brooklyn Courtroom During Verdict of Convicted al Qaeda Terrorist

By Allan Lengel A source tells The New York Daily News: “I have never heard anything like this happening before — ever.” John Marzulli of the Daily News writes that the court may have to be a do-over of the verdict in the federal Brooklyn trial of convicted Al Qaeda terrorist Abid Naseer. Apparently…

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FBI on Hunt for British Computer Hackers Who Threatened Schools, Other Places in U.S.

By Steve Neavling  The FBI is trying to track down a group of British computer hackers who allegedly called in terrorist threats across the U.S., Breitbart reports. The hackers belong to a group called the “ISISGang.” Three British youths threatened schools, universities and conference centers with threats of bombs and shootings, according to the…

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