Atty. Gen. Holder Holds Up Underwear Bomber Case As a Positive Example of Prosecuting Terrorism in Civilian Courts

By Allan Lengel Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr. took the opportunity  following the guilty plea Wednesday morning of  the “Underwear Bomber” to hold the case up as another example of the success the Justice Department has had prosecuting terrorism cases in civilian courts. “Contrary to what some have claimed, today’s plea removes any doubt…

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The War of the Letters: Rep. Issa Fires Back at Atty. Gen. Holder; Accuses Holder of Shifting Blame

By Allan Lengel The war of letters between Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif) and Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr. continues. The latest: Issa released on Monday a letter he sent to Holder sharply chastising him. Issa’s letter was in response to one Holder wrote Friday to Issa saying his his Congressional testimony on Operation Fast…

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Forces Against Atty. Gen. Holder Building — at Least in Republican Ranks

By Allan Lengel The forces against Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr. seem to be building some momentum — at least in the Republican ranks. The latest: Freshman Rep. Raúl Labrador(R-Idaho)on Thursday demanded that Holder resign, claiming he was lying when he testified before Congress about when he learned of ATF’s troubled  Operation Fast and Furious….

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