Senior Administration Officials Privately Dismayed Over Atty. Gen. Holder’s Job Performance, Washington Post Reports

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — The Washington Post is reporting that senior administration officials aren’t all that happy with Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr and have privately expressed dismay about his job performance. The Post reports that administration officials have complained about Holder’s “tin ear in his decision-making and his public remarks.” The paper…

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Atty. Gen. Holder Vows Admin. Will Use Both Civilian and Military Courts to Fight Terrorism

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr. told the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday morning that the administration planned to use both civilian and military commissions to fight terrorism. In a prepared statement, he said: “Let me be clear: this Administration will use every tool available to fight terrorism. That includes both…

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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial: Criticism in Detroit Case “Entirely Unjustified”

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Editorial Page PITTSBURGH — Criticism by some senators of Attorney General Eric Holder’s decision to treat attempted airline bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab as a prisoner to be handled according to American standards of justice is entirely unjustified. When Mr. Abdulmutallab was arrested Dec. 25 he was questioned briefly and read the Miranda…

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