A.G. Holder Won’t Prosecute Ex-Bush Official on Perjury Allegations

It sounded like perjury. But Holder has spoken. By Evan Perez Wall Street Journal WASHINGTON — Attorney General Eric Holder says he won’t overturn prosecutors’ decision declining to prosecute a former Bush administration Justice official investigated for possible perjury during the investigation of the 2006 U.S. attorney firings. Bradley Schlozman, a former lawyer in the…

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Washington Post Editorial: Eric Holder Must Carefully Rebuild Justice Dept. Civil Rights Division

By The Washington Post Editorial Page WASHINGTON — NO PART OF the Justice Department was more harmed by partisan politics during the Bush administration than the Civil Rights Division. Political litmus tests were inappropriately and illegally applied in hiring career and nonpolitical posts. (“Libs” and “pinkos” need not apply.) Department leaders de-emphasized and at times…

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