Atty. Gen. Holder Announces More Openess With Freedom of Informaton Act

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON –  This announcement comes under the category of: “I’m skeptical”. Some federal law enforcement agencies have been reluctant to give up information, even the simplest of information. So this is very welcome. But still, I’m  attaching  a  wait-and-see caveat to this. Attorney Gen. Eric Holder on Thursday announced “comprehensive new…

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Eric Holder Vows to Staff to Fight Terrorism and Improve Integrity of Dept.

Eric Holder Jr. By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — The newly minted Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. addressed Justice Department employees Tuesday morning and vowed to fight terrorism and improve the integrity of the department. “We must restore the credibility of this Department, which has been so badly shaken by allegations of improper political…

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Sen. Judiciary Confirms Holder 17-2; Next Stop: Full Senate Where It Looks Like a Sure Thing

In the end, the judiciary vote was pretty overwhelming. But Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex) was in the minority, delivering some stinging remarks about Holder. By Randall Mikkelsen Reuters WASHINGTON – A Senate committee voted to approve Eric Holder to be the first black attorney general, sending his nomination on Wednesday to the full Senate, which…

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