Senator Judiciary Delays Confirmation Vote on Eric Holder Until At Least Wed. Afternoon

WASHINGTON — CNN reports that the Senate Judiciary’s confirmation vote for Atty. General designate Eric H. Holder Jr. has been delayed until at least Wednesday afternoon. A Judiciary Committee spokesman told CNN that the committee’s senators wanted to attend the national prayer service Wednesday morning at Washington’s National Cathedral. The President is attending the service. …

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Controversial 2001 Congressional Hearing of Clinton’s Pardon of the Infamous Marc Rich

httpv:// OTHER STORIES OF INTEREST Man Arrested at LAX Airport With 37 Guns Says He’s Law Abiding (AP) Feds and Other Experts Predict Bad Economy Could Fuel Hate Groups (Washington Post) Republicans May Press Eric Holder on His Clients in Private Practice and Potential Conflicts (NY Times) Gov. Blagojevich Impeachment Trial Expected to Begin Jan….

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Ex-FBI Dir. Louis Freeh Writes Glowing Letter to Judiciary Endorsing Eric Holder for Atty. Gen.

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON – Former FBI director Louis J. Freeh has written a glowing letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee endorsing nominee Eric H. Holder Jr. for Attorney General, saying he “displayed total integrity” as a high-ranking Justice Department official when President Clinton and other senior members were subjects of a grand jury…

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A.G. Nominee Holder Repeatedly Pushed to Get 1999 Clemency for 16 Members of Violent Puerto Rican Nationalist Groups

Eric Holder may be one of the more low-key nominees in the Obama administration, but his confirmation hearing promises to be anything but low key. By Josh Meyer and Tom Hamburger Los Angeles Times WASHINGTON — Attorney general nominee Eric H. Holder Jr. repeatedly pushed some of his subordinates at the Clinton Justice Department to…

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