Questions Raised About Lethal Injections After Botched Execution in Oklahoma on Tuesday

Steve Neavling The deadly cocktails administered during executions are about to come under fire after a botched lethal injection involving Oklahoma inmate Clayton Lockett on Tuesday. Newsweek reports that a doctor stopped administering the lethal injection about 13 minutes into the procedure after Locket lifted his head and began mumbling. About 40 minutes after…

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Father: Federal Authorities Killed My Son ‘Execution-Style’ in Florida While Investigating Ties to Boston Bombing

Steve Neavling  A Florida man killed while being questioned by federal authorities about his ties to Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was shot several times, including once to the back of the head, the suspect’s father said, the USA Today reports. The father of 27-year-old Ibragim Todashev, both of whom are Chechens, showed photos…

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13 States Ask Justice Dept. to Help Find Execution Drug

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — States around the country are turning to the Justice Department for help in locating an execution drug, the Associated Press reports. AP reported that 13 states signed a letter sent to the Justice Department asking for help scoring sodium thiopental after the only U.S. manufacturer stopped producing it and…

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