Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association Blasts Apple Over Encryption Issue
fleo, federal, law enforcement, apple, encryption
fleo, federal, law enforcement, apple, encryption
By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Federal agents would be barred from using tax dollars to crack down on medical marijuana operations in states where it’s legal. The Senate Appropriations Committee voted 22-8 to approve the measure, which would block the Department of Justice and DEA from using federal funds to interrupt medical marijuana programs, Huffington Post…
By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Raiding a lingerie shop may seem like an odd task for Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, but it’s a part of their responsibilities. News of the underwear seizures raised some questions about the involvement of ICE. So what prompted the raid? IJReview reports that the panties included a trademarked logo: The…
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich, the guy who had an acute case of rambling on and on, may be a bit more careful now that he’s behind bars. The Illinois governor, aka “Blago”, reported to prison Thursday morning at the Federal Correctional Institution Englewood in suburban Denver, the Chicago Sun-Times reported. Now Blago…
By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com The FBI can now automatically share information with local, state, regional and other law-enforcement agencies, the website InformationWeek reported. The publication reported that Raytheon said it finished — albeit late — its final phase of the National Data Exchange (N-DEx) system, InformationWeek reported The system enables the FBI to distribute information…