Oracle Investigation Latest in Trend in Foreign Corrupt Practice Act Crackdown by Justice Dept.

  By Danny Fenster The Software company Oracle is being investigated by the FBI, reports the Guardian, in what some see as a trend in the increase of prosecutions under the foreign corrupt practices act (FCPA), which forbids U.S. companies from paying bribes to foreign government officials or employees of state-owned companies. “Every week…

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Ex-Atty. Gen. Mukasey Works to Water Down Foreign Corrupt Practice Act, Daily Kos Reports

By Allan Lengel The Daily Kos website writes that ex-Attorney Gen. Michael Mukasey “has a new gig in which to ply his talents: making it easier for corporations to bribe foreign governments.” The site writes that the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FPCA) was designed to prevent U.S.-based multinational corporations from bribing foreign governments. The…

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