Police in Georgia Prepare to Enforce Show-Me-Your-Papers Law

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Police in Georgia are prepared to start enforcing the state’s controversial “show-me-your-papers law” after a federal judge lifted an injunction on it, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. The law allows police to check the immigration status of suspects. Anyone believed to be in the country illegally can be detained, the Journal-Constitution reported. Aimed…

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Justice Department Sues Georgia Over Voting Violation

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The Justice Department filed suit against Georgia and its chief election official to ensure that residents who are in the military overseas can vote in the state’s Aug. 21 federal primary election, the federal government announced today. The suit was filed because Georgia wasn’t planning to send absentee ballots to service members…

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FBI Impersonator Busted in Georgia

Shoshanna Utchenik ticklethewire.com It’s unclear what would make a Georgia man strut around a convenience store pretending to be an undercover agent, but his days of make-believe appear to be over — at least for now. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Charles Roger Gamble was indicted by a grand jury in Clarke County, Georgia this…

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