Fed Grand Jury Probing Hilton Hotels in Theft of Documents

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Nothing like a good hotel war wrapped in a scandal. The Wall Street Journal reports that a federal grand jury is probing whether Hilton Worldwide and several former executives swiped thousands of pages of confidential documents from rival Starwood Hotels & Resorts. The paper, attributing the information to “people familiar with…

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Fed Grand Jury Probing Alabama Atty. Gen.

This is one heck of an interesting situation. The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Montgomery has recused itself and the Birmingham office is handling the probe which seems to be focusing on a variety of matters including gambling and selective prosecution. It’s never good when a state Attorney General is the target of a federal probe,…

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Did Baseball Star Pitch the Truth? Grandy Jury Investigating Roger Clemens to See if He Lied to Congress

His integrity was questioned before. Now apparently the feds are questioning it again. Will this baseball legend pass the honesty test or become another Pete Rose? By HOWARD FENDRICH AP Sports Writer WASHINGTON — A federal grand jury is investigating whether Roger Clemens lied to Congress last year, two people briefed on the matter told…

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