Ex-FBI Agent Who is Muslim Says Opposition to Mosque Helping al Qaeda About War Against Islam

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com A former top FBI interrogator, who is a Muslim, says the opposition to building a mosque near ground zero is only helping al-Qaeda, the Washington Post’s Spy Talk column reports. “It bolsters the message that radicalizers are selling: That the war is against Islam, and Muslims are not welcome in America,”…

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Feds Charge Colombo Crime Family Members in Kickback Scheme at Ground Zero

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Brooklyn continues to chip away at the Colombo crime family. On Tuesday, the office announced the indictment of eight people tied to the notorious crime family on charges including fraud and extortion linked to the World Trade Center. The indictment alleges that the Colombo-controlled trucking company…

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