FBI Continues to Investigate CIA Director Patraeus Following His Resignation

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com  The FBI investigation of CIA Director David Patraeus has not ended and remains active, the USA Today reports. Attorney General Eric Holder said as much during a virtually unnoticed exchange last month with Rep. Jason Chaffetz, a Utah Republican. “While an extra-marital affair itself is not classified as an ‘intelligence activity,’ the…

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Former FBI Cybersecurity Official Steven Chabinsky Thinks FBI is Doing Great Job, But Government Could Do Better

The FBI’s former top attorney for cybersecurity, Steven Chabinsky, who stepped down this month, thinks the FBI is doing a great job battling the problem, but told the Washington Post that the “federal government” has taken a “failed approach” by focusing on reducing vulnerabilities rather than actively deterring attackers. Ticklethewire.com, in summing up the Washington…

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Purported Spokesman for Hacking Group Anonymous Arrested for Threatening FBI Agent

By Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com The purported spokesman for the hacking group Anonymous was arrested by the FBI on allegations that he threatened an FBI agent, his attorney said Thursday, the Washington Post reports. Barrett Brown, 31, of Dallas is expected to be charged in connection with YouTube videos in which Brown rails against federal authorities….

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