FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton Focused on Emails about Secret Drone Strikes
The investigation of Hillary Clinton is reportedly centered around e-mail exchanges about CIA drone strikes.
The investigation of Hillary Clinton is reportedly centered around e-mail exchanges about CIA drone strikes.
President Obama’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president undermines the FBI investigation into the former secretary of state’s use of a private email server, Republicans claim.
Hillary Clinton confidently said Wednesday that the FBI investigation into her private email server will not become an issue in the election.
The outcome of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server may have plenty of consequences for the presidential election.
A new book written by an ex-Secret Service officer depicts Hillary Clinton as a confrontational, temperamental personality who scared many people around her.
Anyone groping to excuse Clinton’s conduct eventually has to face the stark, infuriating fact: What she did served no purpose beyond letting her selfishly evade the rules and accountability demanded of everyone else.
Hillary Clinton violated the rules and failed to inform key staff members about her use of a private e-mail server, according to a scorching State Department Inspector General report.
The scorching audit of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private lends credibility to the FBI’s investigation of the former secretary of state, experts said.