FBI Expands Investigation of Hillary Clinton Over Her Public Charity
The FBI is expanding its investigation of Hillary Clinton to determine whether her use of a private email account amounted to public corruption.
The FBI is expanding its investigation of Hillary Clinton to determine whether her use of a private email account amounted to public corruption.
In the midst of the Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, a former U.S. attorney said he believes the Democratic frontrunner may soon be indicted over the e-mail scandal.
Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton unveiled a five-part plan to thwart the growing threat of domestic terrorism in the U.S. on Tuesday.
FBI Director James Comey is the pivotal figure in the 2016 presidential race that no one is talking about.
The FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton now involves determining whether the former secretary of sate violated a federal statute on providing “materially false” information.
The ruling whitewashes Clinton’s most serious known violations.
Now that the Benghazi investigation is behind her, Hillary Clinton may feel like the heat is off her.
President Obama incensed FBI agents when he downplayed the classified information from Hillary Clinton’s personal email before an investigation was even complete