Homeland Report Says TSA Needs More Inspectors To Assure Safety For Mass Transit

Mass transit in America has always seemed incredibly vulnerable to a terrorist incident. This report confirms that. Now let’s see what is done to address the problem before something happens. By EILEEN SULLIVAN Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON – The agency responsible for transportation security has too few inspectors to make sure rail and mass transit…

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Administration Gives Mixed Signals on Immigration Policy

By Chris Battle Security DeBrief WASHINGTON — By federal government standards, there has been a veritable frenzy of activity related to immigration at the Department of Homeland Security. With three high-profile appointments in the last couple of weeks, the Administration has sent mixed signals about the direction it intends to take on immigration policy from…

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Homeland Sec. Napolitano Says Helping Mexico Fight Drug Cartels Demands “Utmost Attention”

Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano recognizes the threat of violence from the Mexican drug war poses for the U.S., particularly for border states like Texas and Arizona. By Spencer S. Hsu Washington Post Staff Writer WASHINGTON — Aiding the Mexican government’s fight against drug cartels is a top priority that demands the “utmost attention” of…

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Sec. Napolitano Exudes Confidence By Keeping Old Hands at Homeland Security

By Chris Battle Security DeBrief WASHINGTON–Secretary Napolitano has decided to keep a number of DHS non-career employees on board at the Department through an extended transition phase. It’s a wise move, and one that highlights the confidence the former Arizona Governor brings to her role. As Washington Post writer Spencer Hsu points out, Napolitano’s decision…

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Terrorists Get It: The Government Should too When it Comes to Using the “New Media”

The terrorists get it. The U.S. government should too. The author insists the government needs to take advantage of the New Media for “emergency response, open-source intelligence gathering and the ideological struggle for hearts and minds”. By Chris Battle Foreign Policy Journal WASHINGTON — Talk to some in the national and homeland security environment, and…

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Report Says Inauguaration Attractive Target For Terrorists but Authorities Know of No Specific Threats

The internal intelligence assessment offers no surprises. We all know the inauguration or any gathering of that magnitude — or for that matter any big sporting event like the Super Bowl or the Olympics — is an attractive target for terrorists.   As NBC’s Chris Matthews would say: Tell me something I don’t know. By EILEEN…

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