Trump-Appointed FBI Director Wray Rejects Accusation He’s Biased Against Conservatives

By Allan Lengel In 2003, President George W. Bush nominated Christopher Wray, a registered Republican, to be assistant Attorney General in charge of the Justice Department’s criminal division. Then in 2017, after firing FBI Director James Comey, President Donald Trump turned to Wray to replace Comey. So, Wray pushed back Wednesday when he appeared before…

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Forces Against Atty. Gen. Holder Building — at Least in Republican Ranks

By Allan Lengel The forces against Atty. Gen. Eric Holder Jr. seem to be building some momentum — at least in the Republican ranks. The latest: Freshman Rep. Raúl Labrador(R-Idaho)on Thursday demanded that Holder resign, claiming he was lying when he testified before Congress about when he learned of ATF’s troubled  Operation Fast and Furious….

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